Friday, June 19, 2009

Aiden's 5th Birthday....

Last night we celebrated Aiden's fifth birthday! He is getting so big....hard to believe that I have two children and the youngest is now five! I hope to post more in the coming days about the amazing testimony and influence that Aiden has had in my life....but until are some pictures!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

funny quote....

Today has been a lazy day for the Debelaks!! We have been pretty sick with colds/flu/sinus infection/ ear infection....long and grueling...especially when it is hot and we are without air-conditioning. I'm pretty sure that Aiden is finally turning the corner, this is the first day that he has wanted to play with Hudson. So I am hoping and praying, "God just heal us please!!"

Anyways, I am sitting here listening to the boys play and I hear Hudson talking to his Transformers "Rachet" to be exact. And Rachet is talking to an invisible person named Aunt Verna (accept Aunt Verna is a real person that lives in Colorado)

"Now just stay here Aunt Verna I will rescue you, I just need the cube. Don't cry I will put you back together if Megatron hits you in the back of the head!"

Seriously....not sure if you read my blog Aunt Verna...but you are in my boys make-believe world today........even a million miles away! 

Monday, June 8, 2009

What is God teaching me?

This is a good question. I am not really sure. I have spent the last week trying to figure it out...My mother-in-law had some words about when she has felt the way I have been feeling she can trace the root back to jealousy. I started to think about this word jealousy and began to pray that the Lord would search me....well the conclusion is that it is not just is much more than that....

For some strange reason I have been looking for fulfillment in what I do, by my actions! "If I could just have....."If I wasn't so..." If the people would...." If IF IF IF IF.... Instead I constantly am thinking about the "death of dreams" dreams that I have always had that right now just are not, or at least I think in my pit of despair that they are not..........Did God have a different plan...or am I just not obedient. 

But, where am I just saying thank you. Where or how am I just being content with what I have and what God has provided for me on my behalf! 

I am not really sure...but these are my thoughts today! Thoughts that God would continue to convict me deeply!! Work on me....and that I would let go of the bitterness that root/ tree that is growing deep inside my to pray!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Yep that is right....we have now entered the land of the Razor Scooter. And my kids, they love them!!! It was the perfect riding "toy" to bring back to Genova. They collapse, so I can take them on the bus and train. They are small so they can ride them around our apartment when it rains! 

Hudson is already balancing when he rides....going really fast! He sykes you out by making you think that he is going to crash into you....and then he turns suddenly or stops on a dime...that little man my friends, is incredible! 

Aiden gets bored and starts to walk around and leaves it in unsuspecting places....but as soon as he learns to ride better I am sure his attention span will be more focused on riding then standing by the door to our building telling me he is HOT! 

So that is our Sunday...hanging out...doing our thing...IN GENOVA...I might add!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

it has been a while....

I have had my share of ups and downs through the month of May. I cannot remember the last time my month was so full....

The weeks prior to us leaving for the states were full to the retreat, saying goodbye to a team member, a visit from my parents, saying goodbye to my boys for two weeks, saying goodbye to the Paces for the summer, packing, meeting, and hanging out with great new friends, meals out in the city, making pesto...yes so many great things. 

Then we packed up and headed to the USA for Andrew's brothers wedding! My kids had a great time with cousins! And Andrew was a groomsmen with his Italian black suit...which he sported so proudly at Aaron's wedding!  It was a great time...emotional, exhausting, fun,  and overwhelming. I learned a lot about myself and the way that God has wired me. I learned to Let GO and let God take over. I am sure I offended my family, made them laugh, made them cry, shared great memories...and hard memories....really it was a great time of learning....and I loved sharing that time with them!!! 

We returned to Peoria after a two day drive from Colorado was long but a wonderful time with Ken and Patty and the boys...talking about the past...getting advice for the future...being challenged....

When we arrived in Peoria, I remember feeling overwhelmed. I am not sure where my feelings of anxiety come from when I get to the state of IL but I really truly feel under the microscope! I feel unloved, fearful, and well really quite sad. I am working through these feelings....I have reasons why....but really feel that they are best left unsaid. 
We did get pretty discouraging news from our home church that we are sent from... about a drop in our support. There were lots of reasons given...many of them made no sense....I know that the main reason was an accounting error made by the church...Andrew and I now have a year to make up 800 dollars of new support. At least I thought 800$ then suddenly a good friend wrote me upon our return to Italy stating that they would be increasing there support substantially!! Now we only have 600$ left to give to the Lord and trust him for his abundant provision...for what he has done and what he WILL do!! I will trust him....not only with my finances but with my life!! Lord lead me and change me!!! I need it!!! I am a mess of broken pieces.....praying that you would change this vessel and mold it into something beautiful!!!