Thursday, April 9, 2009

Getting ready...

Hmm....where do I begin. There have been so many things that have happened this week. Actually the last 10 days have been quite exciting here in Genova. Today Andrew and I officially sat down to work on our spring news letter and we struggle with knowing how much to write, and how to effectively communicate all that is happening here and in the lives of the people around us.
I guess that having so much to write about is not a BAD thing to have going on!

I mentioned to Andrew that we could always write about the abscess that still has not completely healed...and actually today looks worse than it has the last 2 weeks. Not really sure what action steps are necessary concerning this infection but we definately need prayer for Aiden. 

I also am being challenged with our home school routine. I am wanting to finish school by the time my parents travel with our children back to the USA. 
Goals to be met by the time my brother in law gets married. Yeah, just a lot going on right now that is really just heavy on my heart! And there just is not a lot of time left May 20th is approaching sooner then I realize! 

Feeling the need more than ever for vehicle so that we can go out later than 10 p.m. at night....

And most of all wanting to honor Jesus in all that I say and do. And this week thinking about all that Jesus has done for me, and the price that was paid, so that I could be free! So with all that said HAPPY EASTER...

What else....I could go on....maybe tomorrow...and pray that we can get our thoughts together so that we can articulate it our ministry here in the most simple way possible! Some things that we do to reach people would rock the evangelical boat/mindset for sure...yeah so just pray for us!


At April 22, 2009 at 4:49 PM , Blogger Cheryl said...

I'm hoping to make it over to LHCC on that Sunday to visit you!!


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