Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Seeing is Believing....

I have been learning so much the past few weeks.....so many good things and bad things, really. It is hard to believe but my brother has been walking with Jesus consistently for a month now, and really his new faith...has revived mine! I am sure it sounds petty, but indeed I feel that I am a person of little faith. Little faith that he would finally put his faith in Jesus alone for salvation. Faith that it was even possible for him. I am ashamed at my lack of belief. But really his salvation has sent a sense of revival in my own heart..knowing not to worry that God is STILL at work in the world even though I am doubtful and may not always act like I can have the faith to move mountains! This is the first thing learned...

Secondly....Andrew and I were finally able to purchase a car. The sweet people that support our ministry, sent us enough money and also through the help of the DISCIPLINE to save a large some of money ourselves this desire has become a reality. It is almost to good to be true! Andrew and I finally get to take a family vacation this year. Cannot remember the last time I went somewhere with just our family, without it being Christmas or a family reunion of some sort! For that matter I cannot even remember the last time that I went on a date with my husband...I think it has been 2 years! Pretty sad...but I think that all of that is about to change and I am extremely grateful and feel blessed that there are some that LOVE us so much that they to desire to see this dream become a reality for us! God is faithful....

Thirdly.....Oh how I miss fellowship with other believers! I am missing deeply missing my friends and loved ones, my fellowship of believers....even though I very rarely hear from my church or people at my church..... I long to be with them in so many ways! Long to worship, long to share joys and sorrows( wondering if it is safe to do that kind of sharing there anymore.....Longing...I don't think that my friends understand what it is like to be surrounded by non believers on a daily basis! To have things in common with them but not the MOST IMPORTANT thing....to feel the weight of the world and the depravity of humanity and to feel that I am the only one that knows the truth that can set the free. IT is draining and exhausting...feeling there is NO rest for the weary....the weary like me....but really God is faithful and he has proven again and again that he is more than enough for me!

All together it has been a great summer. A summer of learning and leaning on the ONE who can set the captives free! Being patient....

Spending time at the sea.....
Spending time with my children....
Spending time in my "new'" car....
Spending two days in Rome....
A husband that spent 3 days in Prague...
Excitement that another team is arriving in Italy......
Praying for the Paces (our teammates) to return to Genova.....
Spending time with my friends in Genova that desperately need Jesus!
being a light...trying to be a light!