Somewhere over the rainbow...
This picture was taken about three weeks ago, right outside my window. I love it. I love the hope it brings...and the promises. There have been so many things, that have happened these last few weeks. Many sad things, many great things. One great thing that happened, is that my cousin Bethany and her husband Jared, received negative(meaning the results were a miracle) test results, in regards to their unborn child. They still need so much prayer...healthy delivery, and overall health of mother and child...and really just coping with unknowns yet to come. But really it seems that the Lord of hosts, have gotten them through the worst 3 weeks of their lives! And for that I praise Him.
On a sad note, my cousin Dave died, this past week of brain cancer. He went into surgery, went into a coma, and never woke fast life changes. I am pretty sure that Dave did not know the risen Lord personally, and that breaks my heart. I really was not close to Dave, as he was so much older than me. But my heart is heavy for my Auntie Char, I love her, she is so dear to me. This is the second child that she has had to bury, something that a mother should never have to do. But God is good, and his timing is perfect.
Isaiah 40:28-29
Don't you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of all the earth? He NEVER grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak.
(this one is for you mom...Patty)